We are so excited to have kids aged 6-12 or Senior Infants to 6th Class spending time learning about how much God loves them in a fun and creative environment.
Kids spend time playing games, doing crafts, dancing, singing, playing instruments, and listening to God’s word every week.
We also have fun events like our Summer Kids Camp, Easter Family Picnic, Autumn Fest, and Christmas Choir.
Discovery Kids Church creates spaces for every child to have a foundational encounter with the living God.
When children experience the impact of the love of God on their lives they cannot deny that He is alive, He is Good, and His love and mercy is available for each child just as they are, exactly where they are at.
Through games, crafts, a Bible-based curriculum, music, fun, and loving relationships, Discovery Kids show the wonderful working power of Jesus Christ to each child.
We have an amazing program that includes a weekly Sunday service from 10am to 11am. We also have big, fun events throughout the year, including Easter Family days, Summer Kids’ Camps, Christmas events and more.
Child protection and Garda Vetting
While we believe children’s environments at Discovery Church should fun and exciting, we also take the safety and protection of children incredibly seriously. All of our staff and volunteers are vetted prior to working with children, and we have a robust child protection policy and process in place.