Discovery Church
Vision & Values

Discovery Church
Vision & Values

Our vision is for every person to experience the love and kindness of God, to see God’s Kingdom and the power of the Holy Spirit transforming lives, and to make the ways of Jesus visible in our community

Our Values are based on biblical principles of helping people grow, strengthening one another, and building unity in faith.


The Apostolic stream is focused on developing the church, developing strategies and, most importantly, developing people. 


The Apostolic stream is focused on developing the church, developing strategies and, most importantly, developing people. 


As followers of Jesus we are all invited to live supernatural lives, and that miracles, signs and wonders should be the expectation of every follower of Jesus. 


As followers of Jesus we are all invited to live supernatural lives, and that miracles, signs and wonders should be the expectation of every follower of Jesus. 


Jesus, as the Good Shepherd, modelled to us how to care for one another, within the church and also within the community.


Jesus, as the Good Shepherd, modelled to us how to care for one another, within the church and also within the community.


As part of Christian Churches Ireland, we hold to and share the same tenants of Evangelical / Pentecostal faith as our wider family. A full breakdown of these statements of faith can be found here:


New Life in Christ – Available to all through the free gift of salvation by the grace of God. Jesus Christ’s death upon the cross has given us the opportunity to find freedom from our wrongs and whose resurrection has given us the gift of a new and everlasting life with Him.


God’s Word The Bible is God’s Word and is our all-sufficient authority for all teaching, discipleship and daily living.


The Holy Spirit We acknowledge our complete need and reliance upon the indwelling and empowering Holy Spirit within us.


The Power of Prayer – Prayer is a gift of God given that we might have the freedom to communicate with God daily. Every aspect of our church is covered by and bathed in prayer.


Worship Our primary call is to glorify Jesus. We place a high value upon both our individual daily devotional lives and our corporate times of praise and worship.


Community Discovery Church strives to honour, respect and encourage all. The greatest witness to our wider community is how we model a community of love, grace and kindness toward each other regardless of our background and journey.


Relevance We are a contemporary Irish church that welcomes people of all ages from all backgrounds and all nationalities.


Character Our desire is that individually and corporately our lives will be a reflection of Christ. Hallmarked by purity, holiness and integrity.


Discipleship We understand that Christianity is not a one-off event, but an ongoing life of growing intentionally into all the Lord would have us be. This happens when we daily surrender ourselves to His Lordship over our lives.


Gifts and Calling We celebrate that each of us, is uniquely called and gifted by God and is an integral and valued part of helping to make up the whole church family.


Generous Giving We understand the need to be generous with our abilities, attitudes, time and finances. We believe in the bringing of ties and offerings to the church for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.